Human Resources | Human Resources | UNC …D...completing a certificate program. Skills learned enable employees to meet departmental goals. ASPIRE Program for Administrative Certification—PAC - [PDF Document] (2025)

Human Resources | Human Resources | UNC …D...completing a certificate program. Skills learned enable employees to meet departmental goals. ASPIRE Program for Administrative Certification—PAC - [PDF Document] (1)



Partnering for Performance

Human Resources | Human Resources | UNC …D...completing a certificate program. Skills learned enable employees to meet departmental goals. ASPIRE Program for Administrative Certification—PAC - [PDF Document] (2)

Learning and Development ~ Spring 2013 Page 2

Table of Contents

Learning and Development Overview .................................................................................... 6

Career Development ........................................................................................................................... 6

Health and Wellness ............................................................................................................................ 6

Leadership Development..................................................................................................................... 6

Professional Development .................................................................................................................. 7

General Information .............................................................................................................. 8

How to Register ................................................................................................................................... 8

Supervisory Approval ........................................................................................................................... 8

Special Accommodations ..................................................................................................................... 8

Confirmation ........................................................................................................................................ 9

Cancellation ......................................................................................................................................... 9

Accessing Your Training Transcript ...................................................................................................... 9

Contact Us.......................................................................................................................................... 10

Workplace Development ..................................................................................................... 11

Career Development ................................................................................................................. 11

New Employee Orientation ............................................................................................................... 11

Component One: NEO Online 49erConnect Modules ....................................................................... 11

Component Two: NEO Classroom Training ....................................................................................... 12

ASPIRE ................................................................................................................................................ 13

Program for Administrative Certification—PAC ................................................................................ 14

Certificate Program in Grants and Contracts Administration ........................................................... 16

Leadership Enhancement and Development—LEAD ........................................................................ 18

Business Manager Certification Program—BMC NEW! .................................................................... 19

Health & Wellness ..................................................................................................................... 20

Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less – Online Sessions ..................................................................... 20

Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less – Classroom Sessions ............................................................... 21

Take Charge: Learn Self Defense ....................................................................................................... 22

Leadership Development .......................................................................................................... 22

Conflict Management & Resolution .................................................................................................. 22

Equal Employment Opportunity Institute (EEOI) .............................................................................. 23

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Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) ......................................................................................................... 23

Handling a Difficult Discussion .......................................................................................................... 24

Targeted Selection ............................................................................................................................. 24

Leading at the Speed of Trust ............................................................................................................ 25

Professional Development ........................................................................................................ 26

Ethics in the Workplace ..................................................................................................................... 26

Building Trust ..................................................................................................................................... 26

Making Meetings Work ..................................................................................................................... 26

Organizational Development ............................................................................................... 27

Communication ......................................................................................................................... 27

Feedback Matters .............................................................................................................................. 27

Email Etiquette .................................................................................................................................. 27

Interpersonal Communications: Relate or Negate ............................................................................ 28

Customer Service ...................................................................................................................... 28

Customer Service Counts ................................................................................................................... 28

So HELP Me!....................................................................................................................................... 28

Diversity ..................................................................................................................................... 29

Common Ground ............................................................................................................................... 29

Disability, Diversity & Work ............................................................................................................... 29

Understanding International Students .............................................................................................. 30

Teamwork .................................................................................................................................. 30

The Dynamic Team NEW! .................................................................................................................. 30

Change Management ................................................................................................................ 31

Understanding Organizational Change.............................................................................................. 31

Ready, Set, Change! ........................................................................................................................... 32

Managing Change .............................................................................................................................. 32

Organizational Awareness ......................................................................................................... 33

Banner Finance Training .................................................................................................................... 33

Budget: Understanding Your General Fund ...................................................................................... 33

Business Continuity Planning............................................................................................................. 34

Conference Planning at UNC Charlotte ............................................................................................. 34

Employment and Payment of Non-Residents ................................................................................... 34

EPA Staff Recruitment and Hiring ...................................................................................................... 35

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Essentials of Departmental Financial Management – NEW! ............................................................ 35

Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) ...................................................................................................... 36

Fire Extinguisher Training .................................................................................................................. 36

Fixed Assets ....................................................................................................................................... 36

Fraud Awareness ............................................................................................................................... 37

Hazardous Waste Training ................................................................................................................. 37

Hiring Procedures for Employing Students ....................................................................................... 37

Hiring Procedures for SPA Temporary Employees ............................................................................ 37

Human Resources Management System (HRMS) – Performance Evaluation Management ............ 38

Human Resources Management System (HRMS) – Submitting SPA Position Changes .................... 38

Internal Auditing Issues ..................................................................................................................... 39

Materials Management & Accounts Payable 101 ............................................................................. 39

Personal Safety Awareness................................................................................................................ 40

Salary Administration ........................................................................................................................ 40

State and University Revenues: The Mystery behind Your Paycheck ............................................... 40

Travel and Complex Payments - PART I ............................................................................................. 41

Travel and Complex Payments - PART II ............................................................................................ 41

Utilizing Your Educational Perks ........................................................................................................ 42

E-Learning ........................................................................................................................... 43

Skillport Online .......................................................................................................................... 43

Administrative Support ..................................................................................................................... 44

Business Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 44

Business Law ...................................................................................................................................... 44

Communication ................................................................................................................................. 44

Consulting Skills ................................................................................................................................. 44

Customer Service ............................................................................................................................... 45

E-Learning .......................................................................................................................................... 45

Finance and Accounting .................................................................................................................... 45

Foundation Skills ................................................................................................................................ 45

Human Resources .............................................................................................................................. 45

Industry Foundations ......................................................................................................................... 46

Leadership ......................................................................................................................................... 46

Knowledge Management .................................................................................................................. 46

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Management ..................................................................................................................................... 46

Marketing .......................................................................................................................................... 46

Microsoft Office ................................................................................................................................. 47

Operations ......................................................................................................................................... 47

Professional Development ................................................................................................................ 47

Project Management ......................................................................................................................... 47

Program/Portfolio Management ....................................................................................................... 48

Sales ................................................................................................................................................... 48

Strategic Planning .............................................................................................................................. 48

Team Building .................................................................................................................................... 48

Learning and Development’s Reading List ............................................................................ 49

The State Personnel Development Center ............................................................................ 50

Frontline Leadership .......................................................................................................................... 50

Certificate in Public Supervision (CPS) ............................................................................................... 50

Certified Public Manager Program .................................................................................................... 50

Learning and Development Locations .................................................................................. 51

Cover Photo by Wade Bruton, UNC Charlotte Photographer

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Workforce Development

Career Development

The university’s onboarding and orientation experience ensures that new employees are successfully onboarded and engaged in the university’s culture, mission, vision, and policies and procedures.

New Employee Orientation

While progressing through a career path, employees can gain and improve skills by successfully completing a certificate program. Skills learned enable employees to meet departmental goals.

ASPIRE Program for Administrative Certification—PAC Certificate Program in Grants and Contracts Administration Leadership Enhancement and Development –LEAD

Health and Wellness

An educational workshop to support healthy life style choices focus on physical, nutritional, and emotional wellbeing.

Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less Program

Leadership Development

Learning opportunities are available to develop the leadership skills of university leaders and their departmental units.

Conflict Management and Resolution Leading at the Speed of Trust Equal Employment Opportunity Institute Fair Labor Standards Act Targeted Selection Handling a Difficult Discussion

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Professional Development

Many professional development workshops are available that are designed to strengthen skills in targeted areas.

Ethics in the Workplace

Building Trust

Making Meetings Work

Organizational Development

HR Learning and Development offers training in specific competencies to ensure effective problem solving and help us meet the business needs of the university.

Change Management Communication Customer Service Diversity Organizational Awareness Teamwork

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Training Center Locations

Foundation Building - Building 71

Colvard North 5092 - Building 32

How to Register

Learning and Development workshops are open to all permanent staff employees and faculty. You may register online by accessing the link below.

To register online

1. Access 2. Select Learning and Development (left navigation sidebar) 3. Select Online Registration (Learning and Development Quick Links)

Supervisory Approval

Please ensure you have Supervisory approval before registering for classes. Submitting your registration for a training workshop indicates that you have permission from your supervisor to attend professional development training.

Special Accommodations

Any participant requiring special accommodations to attend a Human Resources Staff Development workshop should contact our office at extension 7-0665 for arrangements.

Foundation Building 71

Colvard 5092 – Building 32

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Registrants will receive notice of either “confirmation or wait-listed” prior to the workshop date. Your Supervisor will also be notified of your registration.


If you are unable to attend the session(s) you have registered for, you must cancel within 48 hours of receiving the session email reminder. For your convenience, a cancellation link will be provided in the email.

Failure to adhere to the cancelation procedure could result in a course fee being assessed to your department.

Accessing Your Training Transcript

Employees can view and print their training transcript of workshops attended. To view individual transcripts you may access either the Banner Self Service website or 49erExpress. Here are the steps:

1. Access 2. Select Faculty & Staff 3. Select Banner Self Service 4. Log in and select the Employee tab 5. Select the Human Resources Training Courses Completed


1. Access 2. Click 49er Express and log in 3. Select the Banner Self Service link 4. Select the Employee tab 5. Select the Human Resources Training Courses Completed

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Contact Us

Learning and Development

Human Resources - King Building, Room 222

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

9201 University City Boulevard

Charlotte, North Carolina 28223-0001

Director of Employee Relations, Training, and Compliance: Jeanne L. Madorin [emailprotected] Phone: 704-687-0659 Fax: 704-687-5256

Learning & Development Manager: Joanna Roop [emailprotected] Phone: 704-687-0665 Fax: 704-687-5256

Learning & Development Specialist: Kathy Hurst [emailprotected] Phone: 704-687-0664 Fax: 704-687-5256

Learning & Development Specialist: Jules Keith-Le [emailprotected] Phone: 704-687-0663 Fax: 704-687-5256

Your feedback will help us improve our services! Please email us at: [emailprotected]

Learning and Development Team






Human Resources | Human Resources | UNC …D...completing a certificate program. Skills learned enable employees to meet departmental goals. ASPIRE Program for Administrative Certification—PAC - [PDF Document] (11)

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Career Development

New Employee Orientation

New Employees must complete the following: Component one: NEO Online 49erConnect Modules

Complete six 20 minute online modules within the first 30 days of employment

Component two: NEO Classroom Training

Two days of classroom training normally scheduled bi-monthly

Component One: NEO Online 49erConnect Modules

1. General Information

Employment guidelines

Employment forms

2. Welcome to the University!

UNC Charlotte’s administration and vision

Overview of our working environment

Work responsibilities

3. Benefits and Services

Basic benefits Services and facilities on campus

4. Employment Policies and Procedures

University policies University procedures for SPA & EPA employees

5. Safety – The Right to Know

Individual safety responsibilities How to report an on-the-job injury/illness How to respond to an emergency Hazard Communications Right-to-Know procedures

6. Time and Attendance Reporting

Recording work hours on timesheets Completing leave slips


SPA – Employees subject to State Personnel Act

EPA – Employees who are exempt from the State Personnel Act

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Component Two: NEO Classroom Training

What’s covered in the NEO classroom session?

UNC Charlotte’s history, culture, and mission A campus tour Environmental Health & Safety Environmental Sustainability Employee Benefits HR/University Policies and Procedures Information Technology Support and Training Maintaining a safe workplace Other relevant topics

Date/Time: Varies per month, but always on Tuesday and Wednesday Tuesday - 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Wednesday – 8:30 am – 3:00 pm Contact HR for monthly schedule at 704-687-0669

Location: Tuesdays - Foundation Building, Room 112 Wednesdays – Atkins, Room TBD

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Learning and Development ~ Spring 2013 Page 13


Intended Audience

Non-Supervisory Employees


ASPIRE is a professional development program that enhances the employee’s knowledge of university policies, state regulations, and communication skills. It is a great program for first-year employees to become acclimated to the university culture.


This is a 21-hour program.


All sessions must be attended to receive credit for the program.

Week 1 Thursday, 4/11/13 8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Time & Attendance, Performance Management, Feedback Matters

Week 2 Thursday, 4/18/13 8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Disciplinary and Grievance, EEO, Diversity: Just be F.A.I.R.

Week 3 Thursday, 4/25/13 8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Unlawful Workplace Harassment, Safe Workplace Program, Disability Awareness, Customer Service

Location: Foundation Building, Room 112

Fall 2012 ASPIRE Graduates

Nicole Bridges Kristen Brown Stacey Brown Marian Castle Tina Dadio Jennifer Eklund Amber Frazier Helen Giroux Cynthia Gray Patricia Holford Glenda Locklear

Tony Menton Marijan Pavlovic Nancy Queen Brenda Robbins Debbie Roseman Karyn Williamson-Coria

Not all graduates are photographed.

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Program for Administrative Certification—PAC

Intended Audience

This program is open to full or part-time permanent employees whose primary duties include administrative support to Senior Administrators, Deans, Departmental Chairs, and Department Heads.


PAC was developed to strengthen the depth and quality of administrative staff support to department and unit managers. The program provides participants with a strong understanding of UNC Charlotte’s policies and procedures.


Participants have three semesters to complete the program.


Attend “Core” group of workshops that provides the knowledge needed to become a well-informed support person

Select five workshop electives directly related to their specific job responsibilities Open-book assessment at the end of the third semester

Credit is given for any listed workshop taken during the past two years. Participants receive their certificate once they have completed the program.

PAC Orientation

Participants must attend this introductory orientation.

Date: The next orientation will be held in the fall 2013

Presenter: Jules Keith-Le, Learning and Development

Location: Colvard North 5092

2012 PAC Graduates Not all graduates photographed.

Alexandria Arrington Lori Brown Marisa Elston

Sharon Riley LuAnne Troutman Sara Watson

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Required “Core” PAC Workshops

Select either LEAD or ASPIRE

ASPIRE (Non-supervisory staff) A series of workshops over 3 weeks Fall/Spring

LEAD (Supervisory staff) A series of workshops over 4 weeks Fall/Spring

AND Required Organizational Awareness Courses

Budget: Understanding Your General Fund Classroom Fall/Spring

Computer Courses (49er Mart, Archibus, Banner) - 8 hours Blended Learning

Ethics in the Workplace Classroom Fall/Spring

Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA ) 49erConnect Online

Fixed Assets Classroom Fall/Spring

Internal Auditing Issues Classroom Fall/Spring

Materials Management & Accounts Payable 101 Classroom Fall/Spring

Salary Administration (Classification/Position Mgmt)

Fraud Awareness

Classroom Classroom

Spring Fall/Spring

PAC Electives (Choose at least 5)

Business Continuity Planning 49erConnect Online

Common Ground (PREREQUISITE: Just be F.A.I.R.)

Classroom Spring

Conference and Event Planning Classroom Spring

Customer Service Counts 49erConnect Online

Facilities Management Services Classroom Fall

Faculty Recruitment and Hiring (MANDATORY if employed in an academic area)

Classroom Fall

Just be F.A.I.R. Classroom Fall/Spring

Mail Services Classroom Spring

Student Employment Procedures 49erConnect Online

Targeted Selection (Supervisors ONLY) Classroom Fall/Spring

The Many Faces of Auxiliary Services Classroom Fall

Travel and Complex Payments (Parts I & II) Classroom Fall/Spring

We Need to M.E.E.T. (Supervisors ONLY; PREREQUISITE: Just be F.A.I.R.)

Classroom Fall/Spring

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Certificate Program in Grants and Contracts Administration

Intended Audience

The Certificate Program in Grants and Contracts Administration is intended for staff in academic departments (or similar units) whose job responsibilities include providing financial and administrative support for grants and contracts to Principal Investigators, Department Chairs, and others.


The Certificate provides core knowledge about grants and contracts in general, and about the administration of grants and contracts at UNC Charlotte in particular. The Certificate is especially useful for staff new to grants and contracts administration at the department level. This includes:

New UNC Charlotte staff employed in departments that manage and administer grants and contracts

Existing UNC Charlotte staff whose departments anticipate that they will have grants and contracts to manage and administer in the future

UNC Charlotte staff who wish to prepare themselves for employment in departments that manage and administer grants and contracts*


This is a 28-hour certificate program with sessions offered in both fall and spring of the academic year.


Attend and participate in all eight sessions of the Certificate Program Complete an evaluation of each session Achieve a “satisfactory” score on each of the Learning Assessments administered as

part of the Program

Orientation and Selection

Employees interested in the program must attend the Grants & Contracts Administrative Orientation. Bring your HR, Banner, and 49er Connect training transcripts to orientation.

Date: The next orientation will be held in the fall 2013

Presenter: Ellen Zavala, Office of Research Services

Location: Foundation Building, Room 112

*Program participants are selected by Ellen Zavala and employees with current job responsibilities working with grants and contracts may be given preference.

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Certificate Prerequisites

Banner: Moodle Banner Finance Training and 49er Mart Training Budget: Understanding Your General Fund Employment and Payment of Non-Residents EPA Staff Recruitment and Hiring Fixed Assets Hiring Procedures for Employing Students (49erConnect online module) Materials Management and Accounts Payable 101 Travel and Complex Payments – Parts I and II

Dates/Times and Locations

Certificate program consists of 8 sessions over 2 semesters All sessions meet from 8:30 am - 12:00 pm

January 23, 2013 - Session 4 - Foundation Bldg. – Room 112

Compliance in Research, Research Subjects, Export Controls February 13, 2013 - Session 5 - Foundation Bldg. – Room 112

Getting started in Post-Award: Roles and responsibilities of key players. Grant terms and other programmatic post-award administration. Worker classifications – independent contractors vs. employees; payments and processing requirements for U.S. and non U.S. citizens. The on-line scholarship system and the dos and don’ts for using the system February 27, 2013 - Session 6 - Foundation Bldg. – Room 112

An overview of 2 CFR 215 (OMB Circular A-110) and 2 CFR 220 (OMB Circular A-21) monitoring grant budgets for personnel and non-personnel payments and reconciling to Banner, budget revisions, cost transfers and cost overruns March 20, 2013 - Session 7 - Foundation Bldg. – Room 112

Charging salary to sponsored projects. Release time and impact on state budget. Special payments (including summer salary) to EPA faculty. Payroll cost transfers. Effort reporting and certification (including Maximus) April 3, 2013 - Session 8 - Foundation Bldg. – Room 112

Drilling down into Banner, financial reporting, project close-outs, record retention, and most common audit problems related to sponsored projects

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Leadership Enhancement and Development—LEAD

Intended Audience

LEAD is the first tier of required training provided to supervisors of SPA personnel.


A public university is a unique environment. Being a front line leader requires a thorough understanding of the university’s environment, protocols, traditions, and unique vernacular. LEAD is structured to introduce managers to resident experts from each critical operating area. A key advantage of LEAD is the opportunity to network with other university leaders.


This is a 32-hour program.


Program participants are invited to attend based on eligibility.

Week 1 Thursday, 2/7/13 8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Safety, Time & Attendance, FMLA and Essentials of Leadership

Week 2 Thursday, 2/14/13 8:30 am – 4:30 pm

EEO, Diversity, Salary Administration, and Performance Management

Week 3 Thursday, 2/21/13 8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Workplace Violence Prevention, The Sobering Facts, Unlawful Workplace Harassment, and Coaching for Performance

Week 4 Thursday, 2/28/13 8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Conflict Resolution, Disciplinary Action and Grievance

Fall 2012 LEAD Graduates

Sandra Anderson Lauren Beastall Alexander Chapin Jerald Coughter Kristy DeSantis Yuanan Diao Kevin Edwards Eddie Fincher Debra Joyce Danelle Lee

Not all graduates are photographed.

Jan Mullmann Krista Newkirk Charles Norris Thomas Plagwitz Dana Rusher Stephen Swanson Vinita Tandon Laura WIlliams Stephen WIlliams

Location: Foundation Building

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Business Manager Certification Program—BMC NEW!

Intended Audience

All University Business Managers, i.e., those whose job duties include: administering and managing the financial affairs of their department; managing financial resources that may be state appropriated, grant or contract funded, and/or receipt generated; performing a wide range of financial and business related duties as they relate to a multifaceted department, including accounting, budgeting, and financial analysis via Banner Finance and other University financial reporting systems.


Provide business managers with a solid understanding of UNC Charlotte’s policies and procedures and equip them with the skillset needed to conduct University business effectively and efficiently.

Strengthen the depth and quality of business managers within departments and units across campus through a curriculum of courses available at UNC Charlotte that will help establish a foundation of essential, relevant, and practical business-related knowledge.

Goal Work smarter, not harder!

Pilot Program Orientation Session

This initial information session will provide an overview of the new Business Manager Certification (BMC) Program, which is planned to begin as a pilot program in fall 2013. This new professional development program is targeted for individuals who lead the business operations within the University’s colleges and departments. If you are interested in participating in the pilot class of this certification program beginning in fall 2013, please plan to attend this orientation by registering as indicated.

Date: Thursday, May 30th, 2013- 9:00 am- 10:30am

Presenter: Laura Williams, Controller’s Office

Location: Foundation Building, Room 112


Please contact Laura Williams (7-5002) or Greg Verret (7-5782) for further information about this program.

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Health & Wellness

Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less – Online Sessions

New Year – New Start! Keep that resolution and change your


As you are gearing up for your New Year’s Resolution and back-to-school, don’t forget your commitment to your health! Check out Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less Online, a 15-week weight management program that works because it is not a diet – it’s a lifestyle! State Health Plan Members can participate for only $30 with a $25 refund for attending 10 of the 15 sessions – with good attendance you pay only $5!!! Weekly classes are conducted online by a live instructor, fostering interaction between the instructor and all participants. Participants can conveniently attend classes from home or office

It’s not a diet --- it’s a LIFESTYLE and it works!

15-week weight management program developed by health experts.

Live, interactive,

weekly, one-hour

sessions offer


support and


An experienced instructor informs, empowers, and motivates you to make healthy choices about eating and physical activity. Online classes you conveniently attend at a place and time that works best for you.


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using a computer. The next series is scheduled to begin the week of January 7th and end the week of April 15th. . Convenient early morning, lunchtime, and evening online class times available.

Monday, January 7th, 2013, 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Monday, January 7th, 2013, 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM

Tuesday, January 8th, 2013, 6:45 AM to 7:45 PM

Tuesday, January 8th, 2013, 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM *Please note that the times listed are for the first class only, but participants will attend at the same day/time each week for the duration of the 15 week series. For a demonstration on how the real-time, online classes work as well as enrollment visit: Don’t wait – sign up NOW for Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less online. For any questions, contact: [emailprotected]

Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less – Classroom Sessions

Want to attend, but not online?

Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less classroom sessions are also available on the UNC

Charlotte campus! State Health Plan Members can participate for only $30 with a $25 refund for attending 10 of the 15 sessions – with good attendance you pay only $5!!!

Min: 15 participants needed to make a class

Date: 15 Mondays starting January 7th, 2013, from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Presenter: Tina Marie Mendieta, Mecklenburg County Health Department

Location: Colvard North 5092

Note: Deadline to register for the classroom ESMMWL Spring series is Thursday, January 3rd using the Learning and Development online registration form.



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Take Charge: Learn Self Defense

This program will teach you how to be confident and well prepared in many day to day scenarios. Whether you are on or off campus, at your home or away on vacation, these skills will be with you and have been proven to be effective in crime prevention and defensive strategies. In addition, this course will teach you a dynamic compilation of easy to learn, retain, and deploy, moves. Remember practice makes perfect! This course level is designed for anyone who wants to possess a better understanding of how to be more aware of what it takes to protect them from becoming one of countless victims of crime; many of which can be avoided. If you are up for the challenge and contributing to the safety of your community this course is for you!

Audience: All Staff and Faculty

Dates: Thursday, 1/24/13, 1:00 – 4:00 pm

Presenter: Officer Jerry Lecomte, Police and Public Safety

Location: Foundation Building, Room 112

Leadership Development

Conflict Management & Resolution

Misunderstandings in the workplace sometimes cause conflict among employees. What do you do then? This new workshop introduces the four-step C.A.L.M. model, an effective approach to addressing workplace conflict. Participants learn:

How conflict develops How conflict affects the workplace How to resolve most conflicts on their own

The C.A.L.M. model helps employees analyze, discuss, and resolve conflicts in a cooperative and respectful manner.

Audience: All Staff and Faculty

Dates: Tuesday, 5/07/13, 8:30 am – 12 pm

Presenter: Kathy Hurst, Learning and Development

Location: Foundation Building, Room 112

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Equal Employment Opportunity Institute (EEOI)

The Equal Employment Opportunity Institute (EEOI) helps managers understand important employment discrimination laws and how they impact day-to-day managerial decisions. Case studies and other activities are used to learn how to apply laws and principles to create fair, equitable, and inclusive work environments. The skills taught in EEOI enable managers to address complex diversity issues in a legally compliant manner.

Review of current EEO & AA federal and state laws Explanation of EEO/AA employer obligations Overview of impact EEO has on day-to-day operations Increased awareness on managing diversity Ideas for building an inclusive work environment

Audience: Supervisors and Managers

Dates: Thursday, 6/6/13, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Friday, 6/7/13, 8:30 am - 2:30 pm

Presenter: Office of State Personnel

Location: Colvard North 5092

NOTE: Attending EEOI does not exempt supervisors from UNC Charlotte’s LEAD program.

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

If you are responsible for managing other employees on campus, you need to understand the specific issues facing educational institutions related to compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Overtime exemption decisions that classify a position as "FLSA Subject" or "FLSA Exempt" are much more complex than most people realize. Whether or not an employee is required to fill out a time sheet is only the critical, visible tip of much larger iceberg. Determining the exempt status of higher education positions is very complex and technical. Colleges and Universities have been particularly vulnerable to overtime exemption challenges, and as a manager you need to understand how the Fair Labor Standards Act impacts you.

Audience: Supervisors and Managers

Dates: Thursday, 3/14/13, 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Presenters: Hal Walter, Human Resources Jeff Jensen, General Counsel

Location: Colvard North 5092

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Handling a Difficult Discussion

Nobody likes having difficult, even uncomfortable conversations with employees. The easy way out for many people is to simply avoid the conversation in hopes that the problem – whether it involves performance, behavior/attitude issues, personal hygiene, or something else – will just go away. The result: problems magnify and the supervisor’s credibility suffers. If you’re a supervisor or manager you must be prepared to have difficult, even uncomfortable conversations with employees. This workshop provides you with a systematic approach for handling conversations and issues that people frequently avoid or execute with disappointing results. The workshop focuses on managing difficult conversations and increasing the likelihood of a productive outcome. Tools, techniques, and conversational processes will be illustrated to increase your effectiveness when faced with a difficult conversation.

Audience: Supervisors and Managers

Dates: Thursday, 3/28/13, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Presenter: Jeanne Madorin, Human Resources

Location: Colvard North 5092

Targeted Selection

DDI's Targeted Selection program is described as the most proven, accurate behavioral-based interviewing program in the world. The program teaches supervisors how to identify key competencies for job positions and then how to create interview guides based on the selected competencies. Participants practice the use of the DDI materials in class and will learn how to:

Select appropriate interview questions based on position competencies Gather pertinent information from candidates using the STAR method Evaluate the information gathered to make an accurate hiring decision

This two-day workshop is open to all hiring managers.

Audience: Supervisors and Managers

Dates: Session 1: Tuesday, 2/5/13, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Wednesday, 2/6/13, 8:30 am - 12:00 pm


Session 2: Wednesday, 5/15/13, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Thursday, 5/16/13, 8:30 am - 12:00 pm

Presenters: Joanna Roop & Tracy Worthey, Learning and Development & Human Resources

Location: Colvard North 5092

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Leading at the Speed of Trust

“Nothing is as fast as the speed of trust. Nothing is as profitable as the economics of trust. Nothing is as relevant as the pervasive impact of trust.” – Stephen M.R. Covey

Why has “trust” been identified as the key leadership competency for our new, global economy? By attending Leading at the Speed of Trust, you will gain insight to the trust competency and how to build upon this skill. The Five Waves of Trust model will be explored and will serve as a metaphor for how trust operates in our lives. You will learn:

The economics of trust and its effects on speed and cost in relationships and organizations

How to assess your credibility based on character and competence The 13 behaviors common in people with high-trust relationships The taxes and dividends that flow from organizational trust How to be an effective leader by inspiring and extending trust, plus how to restore lost

trust Program participants will be provided the option to complete a Trust Quotient (tQ) assessment at the conclusion of the workshop.

Audience: Supervisors and Managers

Dates: Wednesday and Friday, 5/8/13 & 5/10/13, 8:30 am – 12 pm Plus Wednesday and Friday, 5/15/13 & 5/17/13, 8:30 am – 12 pm

Presenter: Kathy Hurst, Learning and Development

Location: Foundation Building, Room 112

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Professional Development

Ethics in the Workplace

This workshop explores the role ethics play in daily decisions. Ten guiding values that serve as a foundation for ethical decisions are outlined. Case studies show the relationship between an individual's ethics and decision-making.

Audience: All Staff and Faculty

Dates: Thursday, 3/21/13, 2 pm - 4 pm Presenter: Jeanne Madorin, Human Resources

Location: Colvard North 5092

Building Trust

The ability to extend trust and to be considered a trustworthy individual by those you work with is foundational not only to your success, but also to your team and organization. In this interactive workshop we will:

Explore ways by which we can build trust Discuss how trust can erode team cohesiveness Examine the impact of lack of trust to a team/organization

Audience: All Staff and Faculty

Dates: Tuesday, 2/26/13, 2 pm - 4 pm

Presenter: Joanna Roop, Learning and Development

Location: Foundation Building, Room 112

Making Meetings Work

This course explores ways to help learners save time and resources by leading meetings that support business needs. In this course we will cover how to:

Plan, facilitate, and follow-up on meetings to ensure that business results are achieved Use appropriate intervention techniques to keep meetings on track Ensure that participants contribute effectively and support the meeting’s outcomes Create and implement a strategy for effectively leading virtual meetings.

Audience: All Staff and Faculty

Dates: Tuesday, 4/23/13, 8:30 am – 12:00 pm

Presenter: Joanna Roop, Learning and Development

Location: Foundation Building, Room 112

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Feedback Matters

Feedback is an essential part of face-to-face communications at work. Learning how to manage feedback effectively will enhance your interpersonal skills and success on and off the job. After this workshop, you will be able to:

Explain the different types of feedback Receive feedback confidentially Give feedback respectfully and in a supportive way Solicit feedback for personal and career development

Audience: All Staff and Faculty

Dates: Tuesday, 2/12/13, 8:30 am – 11:30 am

Presenter: Joanna Roop, Learning and Development

Location: Foundation Building, Room 112

Email Etiquette

This workshop will cover the advantages and disadvantages to communication via email and social media. Topics we will explore include:

Why are emails susceptible to being misunderstood? How can you make sure your emails are understood in the tone you wrote them? How can you best work on projects with people you might not see face-to-face? What are the best practices for using instant messaging, Facebook, and Twitter in the

work environment?

Audience: All Staff and Faculty

Dates: Monday, 4/8/13, 9 am – 11 am

Presenter: Dr. Anita Blanchard, Department of Psychology

Location: Colvard North 5092

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Interpersonal Communications: Relate or Negate

So you’re really good at your job, right? Wouldn’t it be great if you could just do your job without having to deal with all these crazy people all the time? Nobody seems to do things the way you do, and your way seems so much better! What’s the deal? Well, here’s the deal: Communicating well at work is a learned skill. This workshop offers you concrete tools to bring back to the workplace regarding gender differences, listening, and creating an effective atmosphere in which to work. You can better understand the “he said, she said” conundrum. You can change the climate in your office. Join us and learn how!

Audience: All Staff and Faculty

Dates: Tuesday, 4/9/13, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Presenter: Sandy Hanson, Communication Studies

Location: Colvard North 5092

Customer Service

Customer Service Counts

What do you say when the customer is disappointed or you cannot agree to the entire request? This customized 49er Connect module explores ways UNC Charlotte employees can meet the needs of our internal and external customers.


This program illustrates realistic customer service problems that can frustrate both customers and employees. It provides solutions that satisfy everyone: UNC Charlotte, employees, and customers. Solutions include:

Working with policy to solve problems Helping customers outside your department Actively listening Treating every customer as your own Defining customer needs

Audience: All Staff and Faculty

Dates: Friday, 4/19/13, 9:30 am – 12 pm

Presenter: Kathy Hurst, Learning and Development

Location: Colvard North 5092

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Common Ground

PREREQUISITE: Just be F.A.I.R. or Skillport module: The Reasons Why Diversity Matters Skillport can be accessed using your NinerNET credentials at: Following the introductory workshop, Just Be F.A.I.R., you may want to take the next step in diversity training. You will learn how to recognize, respond to, and resolve difficult interactions that can stem from individual and cultural differences. Meeting on Common Ground will provide practical exercises for respecting one another.

Audience: All Staff and Faculty

Dates: Wednesday, 3/27/13, 8:30 am – 11:30 am

Presenter: Jules Keith-Le, Learning and Development

Location: Foundation Building, Room 112

Disability, Diversity & Work

This workshop will dispel myths and stereotypes about individuals with disabilities and will foster the understanding of disability as a component of a diverse community. The workshop will also identify best practices for addressing disability issues in the workplace. Individuals will be engaged through participation in discussion groups and case studies.

Audience: All Staff and Faculty

Dates: Wednesday, 2/27/13, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Presenter: Jo Ann Fernald, Office of Disability Services

Location: Colvard North 5092

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Understanding International Students

UNC Charlotte’s staff members play an important role in providing services and programs for the University’s growing and diverse international students and faculty. This workshop is designed to assist staff members who come into contact with international students and faculty in the workplace. Workshop participants will:

Consider ways to communicate effectively with international students and faculty Learn about University and community resources available to help in understanding and

working with international students and faculty Meet and have a conversation with international students at UNC Charlotte

Audience: All Staff and Faculty

Dates: Tuesday, 2/12/13, 9:00 am – 12 pm

Presenter: Marian Beane, International Student/Scholar Office

Location: Colvard North 5092


The Dynamic Team NEW!

In any organization, the effectiveness of its departments is influenced by the degree of cooperation among its members and their ability to work well with other areas. In order to build a dynamic cross functional team, all members must be open to new ideas and experiences. Few teams fully develop without making a conscious effort to work together. We invite you to explore the dynamics of a highly functioning team, its characteristics, its structure and its potential. During this interactive workshop participants will:

Experience the results when abilities are not matched to the task Realize the impact that good communication has on the team Learn strategies for working effectively

Audience: All Staff and Faculty

Dates: Wednesday, 5/22/13, 9:00 am – 12 pm

Presenter: Kathy Hurst, Learning and Development

Location: Foundation Building, Room 112

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Change Management

Understanding Organizational Change

Change is no longer just an initiative or an event, it is a constant. Although we may appreciate

the things that stay the same, we know that across campus change will come to us and it will

come fast. Understanding Organizational Change is the introductory workshop to our Change

Management competency series.

This workshop will be offered as blended learning – each participant will be required to attend

a classroom session and complete a one-hour Skillport module that overviews the following

three concepts:

What is organizational change? The types of organizational change Reacting to organizational change

During the classroom training we will explore our current organizational changes and the common stages employees move through as change is embraced. Gaining knowledge of the change process will help you react smarter, adapt faster, and work together as the university moves into new levels of service.

Audience: All Staff and Faculty

Dates: Thursday, 1/31/13, 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Presenter: Jules Keith-Le, Learning and Development

Location: Foundation Building, Room 112

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Ready, Set, Change!

PREREQUISITE: Understanding Organizational Change As organizations change with increasing speed, so does the pace at which employees must

respond. It is more imperative than ever for employees to have the skills to react smarter,

adapt faster, and engage together in the face of change. Ready, Set, Change! powerfully equips

you with the ability to positively and productively respond to any change… big or small.

As a result of this program, you will be able to:

Explain how your reactions to change impact those around you Identify your behavioral styles in reacting to change through a self-assessment Identify feeling, concerns or issues that might inhibit your effectiveness or decision

making around a change Apply The Change Response Strategy to pro-actively analyze and navigate any change Communicate effectively and appropriately to get the information you need to engage

in change

Audience: All Staff and Faculty

Dates: Thursday, 5/2/13, 8:30 am – 11:30 am

Presenter: Jules Keith-Le, Learning and Development

Location: Foundation Building, Room 112

Managing Change

Given the reality of today, change can be one of the most difficult things an organization goes

through, but it is necessary to ensure future viability. This program demonstrates through real –

world scenarios, how change affects individuals internally and the best methods for leading

others through change and managing effectively through change.

As a result of completing this training, you will be able to:

Define the five distinct stages of adjusting to change Understand that although change is difficult it offers opportunities for growth, learning

and new experiences Develop strategies to manage change internally by following three essential steps Demonstrate how to effectively lead other though change with the help of five key steps Become familiar with the process of change so that you can be an effective manager Illustrate how effectively managing change benefits leaders and organizations Recognize the impact of change in order to successfully lead people through change

Audience: Supervisors and Managers

Dates: Tuesday, 4/9/13, 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Presenter: Kathy Hurst, Learning and Development

Location: Foundation Building, Room 112

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Organizational Awareness

Banner Finance Training

Introduction to Banner Finance The first step in gaining access to Banner Finance is to complete the online training in Moodle. After the required training has been completed, users must pass the Banner Finance Training Quiz with a score of 75 or higher and complete the Banner Finance INB Request for Access form. To get started with Banner Training go to: Login using you NinerNet credentials and select Banner-Finance-Training. 49er Mart Training Training in the 49er Mart system, the university’s web based e-procurement system, is currently available at Login using you NinerNet credentials and select 49er Mart Training. For more information regarding Banner/49er Mart training please go to:

Budget: Understanding Your General Fund

This training workshop is for employees who are new to the responsibility of monitoring General Fund (state) budgets. It is also for those who wish to refresh their knowledge. Topics covered include:

Definition of the General Fund The budget process for both the State and the University How to make budget revisions Explanation of budget pools Budget Office contacts

Audience: All Staff and Faculty

Dates: Tuesday, 2/26/13, 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Presenter: Ken Smith, Financial Services

Location: Colvard North 5092

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Business Continuity Planning

Participants will learn what is needed to keep the University operating during an emergency situation. This one-hour introduction will familiarize you with the organization of Business Continuity, implementation priorities, and how to keep plans current. It is appropriate for all managers and supervisors, and for employees at any level who have direct responsibility for maintaining the Business Continuity Plan for their department or work unit. This 49erConnect module can be accessed at:

Conference Planning at UNC Charlotte

There are a myriad of policies, procedures and guidelines to be aware of when coordinating the details of a conference. This workshop, hosted by the Conferences, Reservations, and Event Services Department, will review University and conference policies regarding the use of space on campus. Valuable tips are provided to guide you in planning and execution. The success of your event may depend upon your attendance in this workshop!

Audience: All Staff and Faculty

Dates: Thursday, 3/28/13, 2 pm – 4 pm

Presenter: Ann Benson-Holt, Conference Services

Location: Colvard North 5092

Employment and Payment of Non-Residents

This workshop is open to all staff and administrators. It will be most useful to staff who have responsibility for the administrative processing of documents regarding the hiring and paying of non-resident alien employees including students, faculty, staff, and visitors. This is a comprehensive workshop that will cover the following topics:

Review of Visa types, employment eligibility, and limitations Processing of immigration employment documents The I-9 and Social Security verification requirements The application of payroll taxes and county treaty benefits Honoraria and travel payments

Audience: All Staff and Faculty

Dates: Tuesday, 2/26/13, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Presenter: Marian Bean, International Student/Scholar Office

Location: Colvard North 5092

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EPA Staff Recruitment and Hiring

Procedures for hiring staff employees differ slightly from those for faculty. The staff of Academic Affairs will outline the proper procedures for recruiting and hiring EPA staff employees.

Participants learn the laws that govern proper advertising in regard to equal employment, applicant flow process, accurate and correct documentation, and Human Resources involvement in the process. A general working knowledge of the difference between hiring faculty and staff is covered.

Audience: All Staff and Faculty

Dates: Thursday, 2/21/13, 9 am - 11 am

Presenters: Ramah Carle and Dawn Tench, Academic Affairs

Location: Colvard North 5092

Essentials of Departmental Financial Management – NEW!

This Financial Services training will present guidance to campus users on three main topics: 1. Spending Guidelines 2. Expense Account Code Use 3. Financial Management

Once you take this training, you should:

Be familiar with the main types of University Funds and what they can be used to pay for

Understand the general principles of choosing correct Expense Account Codes

Be equipped to manage and reconcile your department’s finances

Know where to find resources and guidance for all of the above

Audience: Business managers and supporting business staff who are responsible for and involved with managing finances and budgets, initiating and monitoring departmental transactions, and reconciling and maintaining financial reports

Dates: Tuesday, 2/12/13, 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm OR

Tuesday, 4/23/13, 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Presenters: Laura Williams - Financial Services Sonja Austin – Treasury Services Julie Hughes – Travel and Complex Payments Kim Seamans – Expense Account Codes Ron Sanders – General Accounting Ken Smith – Budget Office

Location: Foundation Building, Room 112

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Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

This 49er Connect module details the Family Medical Leave Act and how it applies to University employees.

This 49erConnect module can be accessed at:

Fire Extinguisher Training

This 49er Connect module introduces all aspects of fire evacuation procedures. It also explains the types, uses, and limitations of a fire extinguisher. Hands-on fire extinguisher demonstrations are done on request. Please contact the Environment Health and Safety (EHS) Office for additional information. This 49erConnect module can be accessed at:

Fixed Assets

This workshop will benefit asset custodians with the annual physical inventory process and 49er Mart purchasers with account coding. Topics covered are: Acquiring items costing over $5000 via 49erMart Processing annual inventory procedures Disposing of assets Following policies for fixed asset gifts and grants

This class has been updated to include the new e-procurement procedures.

Audience: All Staff and Faculty

Dates: Thursday, 5/30/13, 2:00pm – 4:00pm

Presenters: Julie Harman, Aaron Helfenberger, and Karen Worthy, Fixed Assets

Location: Colvard North 5092

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Fraud Awareness

Participants will be able to: Define fraud Identify fraudulent activities Identify appropriate internal controls that deter fraud Take appropriate steps when fraud is suspected

Audience: All Staff and Faculty

Dates: Tuesday, 4/16/13, 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Presenters: Tommy Earnhardt and Carla Flowers, Internal Audit

Location: Colvard North 5092

Hazardous Waste Training

Participants completing this 49erConnect module will be able to: Define hazardous waste Explain the regulatory requirement for hazardous waste handling Handle hazardous waste safely Identify the major components of the University Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan Handle a hazardous waste spill safely

This 49erConnect module can be accessed at:

Hiring Procedures for Employing Students

This 49er Connect module covers types of on-campus student employment, steps in hiring, and how to supervise a student employee.

This 49erConnect module can be accessed at:

Hiring Procedures for SPA Temporary Employees

This 49er Connect module provides information to supervisors and hiring officials of SPA Temporary employees. This 49erConnect module can be accessed at:

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Human Resources Management System (HRMS) – Performance Evaluation Management

The performance evaluation cycle for SPA employees ends February 28, 2013, and performance evaluations must be submitted prior to April 30. This session will take participants step-by-step through the processes of confirming that an employee’s work plan is accurate, entering performance evaluation comments and ratings, meeting with an employee, and routing the evaluation for completion.

Audience: Supervisors, Next Level Approvers, or Reviewers of SPA Employees

Dates: Wednesday, 1/16/13, 9:00 am – 11:00 am, or Wednesday, 2/13/13, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm, or Thursday, 3/7/13, 9:00 am – 11:00 am, or Wednesday 4/10/13, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Presenter: TBD, Human Resources

Location: Colvard North 5092

Human Resources Management System (HRMS) – Submitting SPA Position Changes

How do you change how a position is funded? Request a change in position duties? Report a direct report change? Request a new career band title? Find current salaries for all of your direct reports? These are some of the questions that will be answered in these monthly sessions on the Human Resources Management System that was implemented in 2011. If you have been supervising SPA positions at UNC Charlotte for less than a year, or if you would still rather hide under the bed than have to log into HRMS, these sessions will take some of the mystery out of these automated processes. Tips on navigation, searching position history, understanding what information imports from Banner, and monitoring performance are some areas that will be covered. The first hour and a half will cover general topics, and the last half hour will be devoted to answering specific questions.

Audience: Managers, Next Level Approvers, and Admin PD Users

Dates: Wednesday, 1/30/13, 9:00 am – 11:00 am, or Wednesday, 2/27/13, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm, or Wednesday, 3/27/13, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm, or Tuesday 5/21/13, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Presenter: TBD, Human Resources

Location: Colvard North 5092

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Internal Auditing Issues

“We’re from Internal Audit and we’re here to help.” As part of the “new” internal audit culture, your Internal Audit Department wants to reduce the mystery behind Internal Audit activities and provide tips to help you do your job better.

This informative session provides an overview of Internal Audit operations and lessons learned from recent audit projects that will greatly reduce your anxiety during an unexpected visit from an Internal Auditor. You’ll meet your Internal Audit Department staff and have a chance to ask questions on any topic that concerns you. Whether you’re new to campus or have been around awhile, there’s something for you.

Audience: All Staff and Faculty

Dates: Thursday, 4/18/13, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Presenters: Tom York and Diana Hill, Internal Audit

Location: Colvard North 5092

Materials Management & Accounts Payable 101

This workshop has the latest information on the University’s purchasing policies & procedures as well as procedures for invoice payments. Workshop topics are:

Materials Management

Returns on purchase order items Sole Source Purchases Pre-payments Unauthorized Purchases Campus Contracts 49erMart

Accounts Payable

Processing invoices in 49erMart versus Banner Direct Deposit and Check writer information Receiving Issues with invoices causing late payments Credits and returns Electronic invoices Interdepartmental invoices

Audience: All Staff and Faculty

Dates: Tuesday, 3/19/13, 1 pm – 4 pm

Presenters: Scott Brechtel, Materials Management and Jerri Painter, Accounts Payable

Location: Colvard North 5092

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Personal Safety Awareness

The UNC Charlotte campus is now a city within a city and in many ways functions like one. In any city or campus environment, people need to know personal safety guidelines and resources. This 49erConnect module can be accessed at:

Salary Administration

This workshop provides information on evaluating business needs, determining required levels of competencies, and applying that knowledge to observing, documenting, and assessing competency development in employees. The use of competency assessment to plan for, and request, career progression increases is addressed. This workshop is designed for supervisors with hiring authority for SPA personnel.

Audience: Supervisors with Hiring Authority of SPA Personnel

Dates: Wednesday, 4/24/13, 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Presenter: Hal Walter, Human Resources

Location: Colvard North 5092

State and University Revenues: The Mystery behind Your Paycheck

As a state employee have you ever asked?

How are state budgets funded? How do my tax dollars figure into the equation? Why can some departments on campus spend money when others are restricted? How does all this impact my paycheck?

UNC Charlotte’s budget website features multiple video casts containing in-depth explanations of how state revenue is allocated to universities and how this impacts payroll. VC Beth Hardin discusses the different streams of money the University receives, the difference between general and non-general funds, and how all this ultimately affects your paycheck.

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Travel and Complex Payments - PART I

This workshop reviews the travel process from beginning to end: before, during and after travel. A comprehensive presentation of travel rules, regulations, and polices covers:

OSBM topics about travel and the appropriate use of funds Travel audit requirements and documentation procedures Practice in completing and submitting travel authorization and reimbursement forms for


Audience: All Staff and Faculty

Dates: Thursday, 2/7/13, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Presenter: Julie Hughes, Travel Department

Location: Colvard North 5092

Travel and Complex Payments - PART II

This workshop answers the questions: “What is a complex payment and how do I process it properly?” It covers:

Unique payment types for processing Tax implications of some payments How to correctly code and process payment types How to properly classify payments for services Contractor vs. employee determination How to gross up a payment How to differentiate and process honorariums, stipends, and scholarships Rules for food purchases The many OSBM and tax requirements that must be met by these types of unique

“complex” payments

Audience: All Staff and Faculty

Dates: Thursday, 4/4/13, 1:00 pm – 4:00pm

Presenter: Julie Hughes, Travel Department

Location: Colvard North 5092

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Utilizing Your Educational Perks

Two classes a year; free of charge! Why wouldn’t you want to continue your education? Come learn how this program and others can help you, as an employee, reach your educational goals.

During this session you will learn:

The difference between tuition waiver and tuition reimbursement How to earn a degree through distance education Admission requirements for under/graduate school The registration process and other relevant information

Audience: All Staff and Faculty

Dates: Tuesday, 1/29/13, 2:00 pm – 4:00pm

Presenters: Julie Burt, Office of the Registrar, Claire Kirby, Undergraduate Admissions, Joanna Roop, Human Resources, Maryanne Maree-Sams, The Graduate School

Location: Colvard North 5092

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Skillport Online Watch It, Pause It, Replay It! Skillport is available via connection to the Internet. Learning and Development continues to offer an incentive for Skillport use. Permanent staff and faculty can receive a reward for completing as little as three Skillport courses of their choosing. Skillport can be accessed using your NinerNET credentials at:

Earn Rewards...

For more information regarding the rewards eligible employees can earn please visit us at:

Pad Folio Laptop Bag

Search the Catalog for


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FREE anytime


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Skillport Online offers over 3000 online courses including:

Administrative Support

Advanced Skills for Administrative Support Professionals The Effective Administrative Support Professional Essential Skills for Administrative Support Professionals

Business Analysis

Certified Business Analysis Professional – CBAP

Business Law

Fundamentals of Business Law


Anger Management in the Workplace Building Improved Work Relationships Business Grammar Essentials Conflict in the Workplace Constructive Feedback and Criticism Email Essentials Emotional Intelligence at Work Getting the Results You Want: Negotiating to Win How to Write an Effective Internal Business Case International Communications The Effective Business Meeting Working With and Managing Difficult People

Consulting Skills

Consulting with the External Client Consulting with the Internal Client Internal Consulting for the Technical Professional

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Customer Service

Customer Service Fundamentals Customer Service Representative: Process, Professionalism, and Skills Customer Support: Process, Professionalism, and Skills Frontline Call Center Skills Internal Customer Service IT Infrastructure Library Foundations Managing a Customer- Focused Department Measuring Customer Satisfaction Technical Support Agent Survival Skills


E-Learning Foundations

Finance and Accounting

Accounting 101 Accounting 102 Advanced Business Finance Auditing: A Practical Approach Fundamental Finance for Non-Finance Professionals Managerial Accounting Practical Budgeting Skills for Business

Foundation Skills

Basic Business Math Skills

Human Resources

Behavioral Interviewing Effective Hiring and Interviewing Recruiting & Retention Strategies for a Tight Labor Market HRCI Professional in Human Resources HRCI Senior Professional in Human Resources HRCI/SPHR Fundamental Finance for Non-Finance Professionals Managerial Accounting Practical Budgeting Skills for Business

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Learning and Development ~ Spring 2013 Page 46

Industry Foundations

Industry Overview Series Industry Overviews


Business Execution Leadership Essentials Leading from the Front Line Leading the Workforce Generations Moving from Management to Leadership Succession Planning for the Business Environment

Knowledge Management

Achieving Measurable Performance Impact from Training The 21st Century Learning Curve Knowledge Management Fundamentals


360-Degree Performance Appraisal Advanced Management Skills Crucial Skills for Tomorrow’s Managers Effective Delegation Effectively Managing Top Performers Managing Contractors and Temporary Employees Managing Organizational Change The Essentials of Mentoring The Fundamentals of Business Crisis Management Using Change Process to Support Employees Business Coaching Essentials


Competitive Marketing Strategies Online Branding Strategy Product Management Essentials Strategic Brand Management Strategic Marketing in Action

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Learning and Development ~ Spring 2013 Page 47

Microsoft Office

Office 2007 Office 2010 @ the Knowledge Center


Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence ISO 9000:2000 Overview Lean Manufacturing Logistic Management Managing Customer-Driven Process Improvement Six Sigma: Black Belt Six Sigma: Champion Training Six Sigma: Green Belt Supply Chain Management The Foundations of Six Sigma

Professional Development

Achieving Organizational Excellence through Critical Thinking Business Ethics Creativity and Innovation in the Workplace Dealing with Organizational Change Decision Making and Problem Solving for Business Effective Time Management Fast-Tracking Your Career Optimizing Your Work/Life Balance Problem Solving and Decision-Making Strategies Telecommuting and the Remote Employee Working Without A Net: The Business of Risk

Project Management

Managing Software Project Outsourcing Project Cost Management Strategic Project Management for IT Project Integration Management Project Management for Non-Project Managers Project Scope Management Project Management Foundations

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Learning and Development ~ Spring 2013 Page 48

Program/Portfolio Management

Portfolio Management Program Management – Second Edition Program Management – Standard


Field Sales Skills Inside Sales Skills Professional Selling in the Knowledge Economy Sales Management Selling at the Executive Level Strategic Account Sales Skills Sales University Series

Strategic Planning

Leading and Implementing Sustainable Green Business Strategies Moving From an Operational Manager to a Strategic Thinker Strategic IT Planning Systems Thinking in the 21st Century The Fundamentals of Globalization

Team Building

High-Performance On-Site and Virtual Teams Leading Teams Making Teams Work: Capitalizing on Conflict Optimizing Your Performance on a Team Participating in Teams

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Consider checking out some of the titles from various sources to fit your busy schedule.

Best Sellers

Citizen Marketers McConnell & Huba The Ultimate Question Reichheld, Fred

Atkins Library

Business Ethics: Making a Life, Not Just a Living Akner, Eugene Career Distinction: Stand Out by Building Your Brand Arruda, Dixon Coaching Basics: A Complete How-to-Guide to Help You Understand the Value of Coaching

Haneberg, Lisa

Go Put Your Strengths to Work Buckingham, Marcus Good to Great Collins, Jim Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team Lencioni, Patrick The 4-Hour Workweek Ferriss, Timothy The Secrets to Masterful Meetings Wilkinson, Michael The Total Money Makeover Ramsey, Dave

Human Resources Library

8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness Covey, Stephen 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Covey, Stephen 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families Covey, Stephen A Whole New Mind Daniel H. Pink Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When the Stakes are High

Patterson, Grenny, Switzler, McMillian

DRiVE Daniel H. Pink First Things First Covey, Stephen Influencer Patterson, Grenny, Switzler, McMillian Principled Centered Leadership Covey, Stephen The Adventures of Johnny Bunko Daniel H. Pink The Power Principle Lee, Blaine Who Moved My Cheese? Johnson, Spencer


Be Prepared to LEAD Toastmasters International Effective Communications CRM Learning Supervising for Quality Toastmasters International Who Moved My Cheese? Double Take Productions

Audio Tapes

7 Habits of Highly Effective Families Covey, Stephen Balancing Work & Family Covey, Stephen First Things First Covey, Stephen The Road Less Traveled Peck, Scott M.

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Learning and Development ~ Spring 2013 Page 50



Three special Training Opportunities are available through the Office of State Personnel (OSP)

Frontline Leadership

A number of courses in a series for front line supervisors Open enrollment Taught at Raleigh & Greensboro Total class time = 48 hours plus online activities Cost $250 per person

Certificate in Public Supervision (CPS)

To earn a certificate in the program, you must first complete Frontline Leadership, two electives, and designated human resource management courses

Sessions taught at the State Personnel Development Center in Raleigh

Certified Public Manager Program

An in-depth, comprehensive, competency-based developmental program for managers Taught over a two year period at the State Personnel Development Center in Raleigh Each university nominates one participant per year

Human Resources | Human Resources | UNC …D...completing a certificate program. Skills learned enable employees to meet departmental goals. ASPIRE Program for Administrative Certification—PAC - [PDF Document] (51)

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Thank you for your interest in professional development opportunities offered by the Human Resources Learning and Development Team.

Our goal is to provide high-quality learning and development events for campus staff. If you have comments and suggestions, please give us a call.

We look forward to seeing you at the workshops!

Learning and Development Team

Human Resources | Human Resources | UNC …D...completing a certificate program. Skills learned enable employees to meet departmental goals. ASPIRE Program for Administrative Certification—PAC - [PDF Document] (2025)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.