PVE Combat Rogue DPS Guide - WotLK Classic - Warcraft Tavern (2024)

PvE Combat Rogue

Stat Priority

Best Races

Best Professions

Combat Rogues are light-armored combatants that prefer to directly engage their enemies, choosing to wield heavy weapons that hack and slash their foes. Their gameplay uses very few elements of stealth, choosing to venture headfirst directly into the battlefield, rapidly attacking enemies in a killing spree. Their proficiency with weapons of various types speaks for itself — the Combat Rogue’s wake is riddled with the corpses of slain monsters.

Combat Rogues got a bad rap in TBC due to their lack of utility, but in truth, they were always among the strongest DPS specs in the game — though Fury Warriors consistently stole the spotlight from us. We finally get our revenge in Wrath of the Lich King — not only are Combat Rogues the kings of melee single target DPS, but they’ve been improved in a host of ways, having access to really powerful utility in the form of Tricks of the Trade, and top-tier AoE capabilities in the form of Fan of Knives — the latter being an area they were traditionally lacking in. Moreover, due to talent changes, we finally have a lot more flexibility in picking weapons — no longer are we forced to pray for powerful swords, such as the Warglaive of Azzinoth, in order to be competitive.

This guide will teach you everything you need to know about playing a Combat Rogue in PvE content, with a focus on raiding. We will cover everything from talents and equipment, to ability rotations and macros. By the time you’re done reading this guide, you will be showing those Fury Warriors who’s boss, looking down on them from the top of the DPS meter!

Combat Rogue Strengths & Weaknesses


  • Top tier single target damage
    Combat Rogues have some of the strongest single target DPS in the game. With good play, you’ll always find yourself near the top of DPS meters.
  • Top tier AoE damage
    Like most other melee, Rogues traditionally fared poorly on AoE damage (meaning 5+ targets), which was typically the domain of Warlocks and Mages. This is no longer the case: the addition of Fan of Knives propels Rogues to the top of the meters in AoE-heavy fights, right alongside casters, and way above most other melee specs, which typically are still limited to cleaving 3-4 targets at a time.
  • Simple, unchanged rotation
    While WotLK made the DPS rotation of a lot of specs more complex, things barely changed at all for Combat Rogues — our rotation is more or less unchanged, and it’s still arguably the simplest in the game, with no fancy macros needed to do well. That makes getting into Combat Rogue very easy, particularly for people that want to try a new class, or who want to play their Rogue alt more.
  • Highly stackable spec
    Unlike in TBC, where most guilds would typically only bring 1 Rogue at most for the Expose Armor debuff, Rogues are now highly stackable thanks to their incredibly high damage and the incredibly useful Tricks of the Trade. Many guilds may bring as many as 4 to 5 Combat Rogues in their Icecrown Citadel rosters. Gone are the days of having to beg people for a raid spot!


  • Very high loot competition
    A downside of being a highly stackable class that most raid groups will have multiple of is that, well, you’re competing against a LOT of people. This gets particularly ugly when it comes to weapons, as each raid tier typically has ~2 viable main hands and ~2 viable off-hands, so if you’ve got a whole bunch of Rogues, some of them will likely have to settle with weaker weapons, or may just never get a weapon upgrade that tier if you get unlucky with drops.
  • Highly reliant on gear
    Combat Rogues are strong, dealing incredible damage, as mentioned in the Strengths section. However, they’re highly reliant on good quality gear in order to achieve this strength — their base damage is not particularly impressive, but rather, their scaling is great. For the first couple of raid tiers, many Rogues will choose to go Assassination instead, biding their time until they’ve got the gear to switch to Combat.
  • Limited utility
    Combat Rogues don’t have weak utility, by any means — our Tricks of the Trade on its own is already plenty powerful. However, compared to other classes, we just don’t have that much to offer besides our damage, having the fewest raid buff / debuff effects of any class in the game.

Combat Rogue Utility

Besides their damage, Combat Rogues bring the following raid buffs & debuffs to a raid:

  • Tricks of the Trade
    Completely unique utility that only Rogues have. The threat transfer component is incredibly powerful on its own, evidenced by Hunters and their Misdirection throughout TBC, but the damage increase component coupled with the relatively low cooldown makes this ability truly amazing. Use it on your strongest damage dealer on cooldown, and particularly during Heroism / Bloodlust, and your raid’s DPS will increase very noticeably. More importantly, your target will absolutely love you for life, which is more than what most other classes can brag about!
  • 4% increased physical damage taken (does not stack)Savage Combat
    Poor Arms Warriors — they had one piece of must-have unique utility in their Blood Frenzy 4% increased physical damage taken debuff, and we stole it from them, being the nasty little thieves that we are. Given that we’re significantly stronger than Arms Warriors in Wrath, it will fall to us to apply this very important debuff on bosses. Good thing that this talent is just incredibly strong anyway, meaning every Combat Rogue will be applying it effortlessly.
  • 20% armor reduction (does not stack)Expose Armor
    In Wrath the Improved Expose Armor talent is reworked, meaning that we unfortunately offer the same 20% armor reduction as Warriors do with their Sunder Armor. Given that it is a lot more costly for us to apply Expose Armor due to its combo point cost, this means that in practice we lose this debuff entirely. The only use for it is if your Warriors all happen to die, or cannot attend a raid — the debuff is a must-have, we’re just worse at applying it.
  • 30% cast speed slow (does not stack)Mind-numbing Poison
    Just like the Warlock equivalent (Curse of Tongues), our cast speed slow spell has seen a significant nerf, going from a 70% cast speed slow to 30%. It’s still very useful on specific boss fights however, such as Sindragosa and her Blistering Cold. Having said that, Warlocks will typically be better at applying this debuff thanks to their 30 yard range, but it’s good that we can step up and offer it ourselves if necessary.


We hope this guide has been able to help you decide if Combat Rogue is the class / spec for you. Make sure to check out our other sections, such as talents, gear, gems etc, to get more information on how to improve your performance as a Combat Rogue in WotLK!

PVE Combat Rogue DPS Guide - WotLK Classic - Warcraft Tavern (2024)


Which Rogue spec is best in WOTLK? ›

Assassination Rogue — This specialization puts a much larger emphasis on consistent damage and maximizing the damage dealt by your poisons. Assassination is the go-to spec for many, as it is often viewed as the most reliable of each Rogue spec.

What is the best character for rogue in WOTLK? ›

Orcs are generally chosen for Combat Rogues in Wrath due to the high abundance of axes in the expansion, and Trolls are arguably even stronger for Assassination and Subtlety specializations: Orcs utilize their Axe Specialization racial passive to increase expertise with axes by 5.

What is the best spec for PvE Rogue Classic? ›

Best Rogue Spec for PvE in WoW Classic

Combat Rogues are the best spec for Rogues in the early phases of Classic WoW. They will choose between Combat Swords (19/32) or Combat Daggers (15/31/5), depending on what are the best weapons available.

What weapons should combat rogues use in WOTLK? ›

As a combat rogue in WOTLK, you will focus mainly on Axes or Swords depending on your race. There are some reliable maces if you choose to go with the mace spec, but they are few and far between compared to the abundance of axes and swords.

Which Rogue spec is hardest to play? ›

Subtlety Rogue

Requires precise timing and energy pooling for maximum effectiveness.

What is the best job for a Rogue in WotLK? ›

WotLK Classic Rogue Best Professions

Professions are a very important part of the World of Warcraft game as it provides players with some great bonuses. As for Rogues we recommend choosing both Engineering and Jewelcrafting. Engineering is a very useful all-around profession that helps both in PvP and PvE.

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Best Specialization for Rogue DPS

With the strong buff to Mutilate in Phase 2 of Season of Discovery reducing the energy cost from 60 to 40, Mutilate is easily the strongest combo point builder. The best talent build to utilize Mutilate is Assassination with Cold Blood and powerful poison talents like Improved Poisons.

What is the best level spec for rogues in Wotlk? ›

Combat is the recommended talent specialization for leveling in Wrath of the Lich King. It offers strong overall damage output, powerful cooldowns Killing Spree, Adrenaline Rush, and Blade Flurry, and good defensive abilities for soloing like Riposte.

What stats are priority for combat rogue PvE? ›

Expertise Rating, Hit Rating, and Agility are your top three point-for-point most valuable stats for damage dealing on a Combat Rogue. Haste, Critical Strike, Strength, and Attack Power still increase your damage output but are generally less valuable per point.

What is the best specialization for Rogue? ›

Best Leveling Spec for Rogue in The War Within

Out of all three Rogue specs, we recommend Subtlety as the best choice for leveling. It offers the best single-target burst damage and allows you to dispatch enemies within only a few seconds, jumping from enemy to enemy in quick succession.

What is the PvE hit cap for Rogues? ›

9% Hit Chance = PvE Ability Hit Cap. 27.2% Hit Chance = PvE Auto Attack Hit Cap.

What poisons should a combat rogue use in WotLK? ›

Poisons are extremely powerful damage boosts for rogues, with most rogues opting for a Instant Poison VII and Deadly Poison IX combination for PvE and a Wound Poison VII and Crippling Poison combination for PvP as an as Combat Rogue.

What is the strongest Rogue weapon? ›

The best weapon choices for rogues typically include Rapiers for melee combat and Longbows for ranged attacks. Rapiers offer precision and damage, while Longbows provide excellent range.

What is the most powerful weapon in WotLK? ›

The best weapon in WotLK is the Shadowmourne. It is another two-handed weapon and is exclusive to only warriors, paladins, and knights. It is obtained from a very long ICC quest chain. It is a legendary axe that is the counterpart to Frostmourne, Lich King's blade.

What is the best level spec for rogues in WotLK? ›

Combat is the recommended talent specialization for leveling in Wrath of the Lich King. It offers strong overall damage output, powerful cooldowns Killing Spree, Adrenaline Rush, and Blade Flurry, and good defensive abilities for soloing like Riposte.

Which Rogue spec is best? ›

Best Leveling Spec for Rogue in The War Within

Out of all three Rogue specs, we recommend Subtlety as the best choice for leveling. It offers the best single-target burst damage and allows you to dispatch enemies within only a few seconds, jumping from enemy to enemy in quick succession.

Is Assassination or combat better in WotLK? ›

So, as you can imagine, switching targets as an Assa rogue is disastrous to their DPS. Due to these serious shortcomings, Combat is the preferred spec for end-game raiding. Still, Assa has its place, especially in early-game raiding where it dwarfs Combat in terms of DPS.

What is the best Rogue spec in WotLK PvP? ›

Subtlety is the go-to specialization for rogues in PvP, very clearly offering the most with mobility, utility, control, and burst damage. Preparation alongside Glyph of Preparation is a very strong ability allowing extra uses of strong mobility and defensive abilities like Dismantle, Sprint, and Evasion.

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