What are Russian warships doing in the Caribbean? (2024)

U.S. forces are keeping close watch on a flotilla of Russian warships that reached Cuba on Wednesday in an apparent show of force by President Vladimir Putin flexing his missiles in the Western Hemisphere.

The port call in Havana, Moscow’s longtime ally, comes less than two weeks after the Biden administration said it would allow Ukraine to use U.S.-provided weaponry against some military targets inside Russia.

The four Russian vessels arrived in Havana Harbor fresh from military exercises in the North Atlantic Ocean, Russia’s Defense Ministry said. They’re due to stay through Monday.

The ships aren’t carrying nuclear weapons, the Cuban and Russian foreign ministries have said, “so their stop in our country does not represent a threat to the region,” Havana said last week.

Here’s what you need to know.

Russia practiced firing high-precision missiles in the Atlantic

The Russian flotilla includes the frigate Admiral Gorshkov and the nuclear-powered submarine Kazan, a medium tanker and a rescue tugboat. Even without nuclear weapons, the frigate and the submarine are capable of launching Zircon hypersonic missiles, Kalibr cruise missiles and Onyx anti-ship missiles, Russia’s most highly touted modern weapons.


Several hours before entering the Havana harbor, Russian defense officials said, the flotilla completed an exercise in “the use of precision missile weapons.” Sailors used computer simulations to “hit” targets without launching actual missiles.

In Moscow, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov met with his Cuban counterpart, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla. Lavrov affirmed Russia’s “continued support for Havana in its just demand for a complete and immediate end” to Washington’s 62-year embargo on most trade with Cuba and the removal of the country from the State Department’s list of state sponsors of terrorism.


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The visit came on Russia Day, when Russians mark the dissolution of the Soviet Union. State television highlighted extensive coverage of the event in the U.S. media, including clips from CNN. One Russian reporter described the visit as retaliation for Biden’s decision to allow Ukraine to strike inside Russia with American weapons.

“Last week, President Vladimir Putin made it clear that it reserves the right for a mirror response — that is, supplying long-range weapons to countries that feel the pressure of the United States,” the Russia 24 reporter said.

Cuba, mired in its worst economic crisis in years, is welcoming its longtime supporter

Cubans lined the Havana waterfront Wednesday to see the Russian ships arrive. The Russians fired 21 salvos in honor of their hosts; the Cubans responded with an artillery salute from the San Carlos de La Cabaña Fortress.


Cuba’s foreign ministry said the visit reflects “the historical friendly relations” between Havana and Moscow, ties that go back to Soviet support for Fidel Castro’s Cuban Revolution and Moscow’s purchase of sugar, rum and other products to soften the loss of U.S. trade at the outset of the embargo.

Cuba is currently mired in a dire economic crisis, including shortages of food, electricity and fuel, reminiscent of the so-called Special Period of the early 1990s, when the Soviet Union collapsed and support from Moscow sharply dropped.

Cuba emerged from years of deprivation with the support of Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez and improved relations with Russia under Putin. Lavrov said Wednesday that Moscow would continue to provide humanitarian support to Cuba.

The Russian foreign ministry thanked Cuba for its “principled position” on Ukraine. Rodríguez Parrilla, the Cuban foreign minister, said the country condemns “the increasingly aggressive stance of the U.S. government and NATO,” including sanctions against Russia.

Lavrov has been a frequent visitor to the region. He traveled in February to Venezuela, where he affirmed Russia’s support for the socialist government of Nicolás Maduro, Chávez’s successor. He stopped in Cuba during that trip also.

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel visited Putin in Moscow in May.

The U.S. doesn’t see a threat, but is monitoring the visit

Port calls among friendly nations are common. The Cuban foreign ministry this week announced that a Canadian patrol vessel would arrive in Havana on Friday to commemorate 80 years of uninterrupted diplomatic relations between Havana and Ottawa.

But the U.S. Defense Department has been tracking the Russian visit to Cuba since it was announced June 6. U.S. Navy and Coast Guard vessels are “going to continue to monitor,” Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh said Wednesday. ABC News reported that three U.S. Navy destroyers, a Coast Guard Cutter and Canadian and French frigates were keeping watch.


Singh said the Russian exercises didn’t pose a threat to the United States.

“This is not a surprise,” she said. Such “routine naval visits” by the Russians, she said, have occurred “during different administrations.”

A spokesman for U.S. Southern Command said the organization routinely monitors “activities of concern” in its area of responsibility. Authorities anticipate that the Russian vessels might also visit Venezuela. Maduro’s government, also under heavy sanction by the United States, has scheduled a presidential election for July.

Retired Adm. Jim Stavridis, who headed Southern Command from 2006 to 2009, said naval deployments to the Caribbean are “long and difficult” for Russian forces, and provide “good practice for our forces, tracking and monitoring them.”

The Kremlin spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, also said there was no cause for American concern. “Military drills are a normal practice in various regions of the world, especially for such a major maritime power as the Russian Federation,” Peskov told reporters on Thursday.

Putin is showing he ‘still has the ability to operate in the U.S. sphere of influence’

Russian forces have made several visits to Cuba and Venezuela in recent decades. In 2018, Moscow sent two supersonic, nuclear-capable Tu-160 bombers to Venezuela for a brief stop. The next year, as the Trump administration stepped up efforts to oust Maduro, Russia dispatched 100 troops and equipment to Venezuela and signed an agreement allowing it to send ships.


Of course, the most famous Russian visit to the region came in 1962, when the U.S. discovery of Soviet missile sites in Cuba brought the world to the brink of nuclear Armageddon. President John F. Kennedy and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev resolved the two-week Cuban missile crisis peacefully with an agreement that each side would withdraw missiles deployed near the other and that they would establish direct communications — the so-called red telephone — to forestall similar crises in the future.

Videos now of a Russian submarine arriving in Cuba, political scientist Vladimir Rouvinski said, help Moscow show that “efforts by the United States to diminish their presence everywhere, in particular in Latin America, are not working.”

“We have to see that Russia is not willing to abandon Latin America,” said Rouvinski, of Icesi University in Colombia, even as its military is consumed by Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.


Putin aims to signal that “he still has the ability to operate in the U.S. sphere of influence,” said Cynthia Arnson, a distinguished fellow at the Wilson Center’s Latin America Program.

The U.S. stages similar exercises near Russia and China

The United States has a long history of deploying the Navy and other forces to demonstrate its range and capabilities in support of allies and against adversaries.

In May, the Destroyer USS Halsey conducted what the Navy called a “Freedom of Navigation Operation” to challenge “restrictions on innocent passage imposed by the People’s Republic of China (PRC), Taiwan, and Vietnam.”

A spokesperson for China’s Eastern Theater Command accused the United States of having “publicly hyped” the ship’s transit through the Taiwan Strait, the Associated Press reported. Chinese Navy Senior Capt. Li Xi said the command sent naval and air forces to monitor.

Last year, the destroyer USS Nitze and the amphibious command ship USS Mount Whitney made separate port calls to Istanbul on the Bosporus. That’s roughly 20 miles from the Black Sea, where Ukraine has used sea drones and missiles to attack a Russian fleet.

What are Russian warships doing in the Caribbean? (2024)


What are the Russian ships doing in Cuba? ›

Why are the warships in Havana? The flotilla is part of a “friendly” routine visit between the two countries' navies, Cuban officials have said. The crew on board are expected to conduct military training exercises during their time in the Caribbean.

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DeSantis blames Biden's 'posture of weakness' for Russian flotilla off Florida coast. Gov. Ron DeSantis is blaming what he called the Biden administration's “posture of weakness” for a fleet of Russian warships sailing less than 30 miles off South Florida's coast earlier this week.

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Today, the Russian Navy has about 270,000 men, which is estimated to include approximately 150,000 personnel actually manning the fleet. These personnel man 500 combatant ships and the various supporting forces and activities, but at only 75% of requirements. To attain 100% manning, 360,000 personnel would be needed.

Does Russia have nuclear weapons in Cuba? ›

On Wednesday, June 12, history repeated itself when the Russian military arrived in Cuba, this time with three warships and a submarine, and in the process positioned a nuclear-capable enemy less than 150km (93 miles) from the US mainland. Cuba said the vessels carried no nuclear weapons.

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Russia is still Cuba's leading creditor and the two countries maintain close economic ties with each other. Cuba strongly supported Russia's position in the Russo-Georgian War. In the fall of 2008 Cuba and Russia increased joint cooperation with each other in the field of economics.

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Russia occasionally sends vessels and aircraft to Latin America and the Caribbean. However, it is the first time, as far as it is publicly known, that Moscow has deployed warships (or a submarine) to the region since the war in Ukraine commenced in February 2022.

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THE PENTAGON – A nuclear Russian submarine carrying guided missiles with a range of 1,000 nautical miles is operating off the East Coast as part of Russian missile drills in the Atlantic.

Do people speak Russian in Cuba? ›

Yes a lot of people in Cuba speak Russian. Not as many as were speaking in the Soviet times but still a lot of Cuban specialists studied in Russian/Soviet universities so they speak that language really good.

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The United States Navy (USN) is the biggest and most potent naval force on the planet, possessing unmatched operational capacity and worldwide reach. With more than 90,000 active members and a fleet of around 484 warships, the USN is essential to both American force projection and national security.

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The United States is by far considered the strongest naval power in the world, boasting 11 aircraft carriers.

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The IISS Military Balance 2024 report says Russia has around 1,750 tanks of various types—including more than 200 of the T-90 variety—remaining, with up to 4,000 tanks in storage.

Does Russia have an embassy in Cuba? ›

The Embassy of Russia in Havana is the headquarters of the diplomatic mission of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Cuba. It is well known for its striking constructivist building in the Miramar district of the city, built by architect Aleksandr Rochegov.

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1 October 1962 On the eve of the Cuban Missile Crisis the Atlantic Fleet included: Essex (CVS 9), Lake Champlain (CVS 39), and Wasp (CVS 18) in the area of Boston, Mass., and Newport, R.I.; Intrepid (CVS 11) off New York City, N.Y.; Randolph (CVS 15) at NS Norfolk, Va.; Shangri-La (CVA 38) at NS Mayport, Fla.; ...

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Visa-free regime

Citizens of the following 19 countries can visit Cuba without a visa: 90 days: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kenya, Malaysia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Russia, Serbia, United Arab Emirates. 60 days: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

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